Functional Restoration Program Team

功能恢复项目团队由不同医学治疗领域的慢性疼痛专家组成. 我们一起为病人提供跨学科的护理.

Although patients may not have contact with all members of the team, 该小组定期开会,以便所有参与病人护理的人都能了解每个病人的最新情况.

After the first few days of adjustment to the program, 我知道, without a shadow of doubt that, the staff believed in the Program and what they were teaching.


Meet the Functional Restoration Program team

Olivia Franceschelli, OTR/L

Olivia Franceschelli, OTR/L

奥利维亚是新罕布什尔州的执业和注册职业治疗师, 佛蒙特州, 和马萨诸塞州. 她在波士顿的西蒙斯学院获得了生物学学士学位, 麻萨诸塞州, 以及波特兰新英格兰大学的职业治疗硕士学位, 缅因州.

以每个与她一起工作的人的个人兴趣和价值观为指导, Olivia values a holistic, person-centered approach to therapeutic partnerships. 她积极支持人们了解自己,理解他们的痛苦经历,目的是培养一种赋权感. Olivia's clinical experiences in chronic pain research, outpatient pediatrics, 住院康复培养了一种对身心联系的欣赏,以及它与支持个人参与有意义的活动的相关性. 工作之余, Olivia enjoys spending time in nature, 无论是徒步旅行, 长距离的散步, 骑自行车或露营, and spending time with friends and family.

Scott Puracchio, DPT, TPS

Scott Puracchio, DPT, TPS

斯科特在加州大学获得物理治疗博士学位, 旧金山. 他通过Evidence in Motion接受了进一步的疼痛治疗专家培训. 他的训练指导他采取更全面的方法进行物理治疗, with the focus on movement, 睡眠, 营养, 和教育. 他的治疗目标是帮助他的病人了解他们的症状是如何以及为什么出现的,这样他们就能更好地学会控制, 控制, and/or eliminate them. Outside of physical therapy, Scott enjoys spending time outdoors, with most of his time spent in his garden, 徒步旅行, 或划独木舟.

Salvatore Mancino Jr., DPT

Salvatore Mancino Jr., DPT

萨尔在中佛罗里达大学获得了物理治疗博士学位. 他在手工骨科物理治疗领域接受了广泛的研究生培训. 他是脊柱机械诊断和治疗的麦肯齐方法的认证治疗师.

His special interests include:

  • 恢复疼痛患者的功能,防止过渡到持续性疼痛
  • Keeping up with the latest research and thinking on pain
  • Improving communication skills
  • 使用干预和方法,考虑整个人,他们的情况和环境

Sal lives in the Upper Valley with his wife, Nicole. They are loyal companions to their Bernadoodle, 夏伊洛, who keeps them busy with his love of the outdoors. When 夏伊洛 doesn’t feel like getting outside, you will find Sal with his wife at concerts, in search of their next favorite foodie destination, 或徒步旅行.

Heather Jones, PTA/OTA

Heather Jones, PTA/OTA

希瑟既是物理治疗助理又是职业治疗助理. She has been with the Functional Restoration Program since 2015. 她喜欢和参与者一起工作,看到他们的功能逐渐改善,他们恢复日常活动的信心增加,而不必担心再次受伤.

她有各种各样的背景,包括记账(这导致了慢性颈部疼痛), kick-starting her interest in physical and occupational therapy), wildlife rehabilitation, and outdoor education for elementary students. 她是三个很棒的男人的骄傲的继母,希望她没有把80年代的歌词投入到她的长期记忆脑细胞中(不是真的), 虽然). In her spare time she enjoys dancing, crocheting weird hats, and being ridiculously obsessed with her 2 tiny dogs (really, 虽然).



Colleen has her master’s degree from the University of Minnesota . She has been on the Functional Restoration Program team since 2002. A life-long athlete, Colleen enjoys running (50 years!), skiing, cycling, riding, and, most recently, pickle ball. Colleen has a special interest in health and wellness. 在过去的生活中,她教小学生和中学生健康和体育. She is also an avid baker and once built a pizza oven! 好吃。!



Trudy is originally from Southern California. She studied at the University of Pennsylvania, 作为一名成年执业护士,她在那里获得了护理学学士和硕士学位. Prior to returning to California, 她曾在宾夕法尼亚大学医院和退伍军人事务部从事放射肿瘤学工作. It was there that her desire to help people living with pain was born. 在加州, 在搬到高沙漠地区之前,她在一家社区诊所从事初级保健工作, where she joined a large comprehensive pain management group. 很明显,慢性疼痛涉及到一个人生活的方方面面, 像这样, we need to address the entire person living with pain.

Trudy moved to 佛蒙特州 in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, traveling in a beat-up old motorhome with 2 dogs, 一只猫, and her human family. 自2020年12月以来,她一直在十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克医疗中心(DHMC)工作. 不工作时, Trudy enjoys playing the piano and English handbells, and cuddling her 85-pound Old English Sheepdog, who thinks he’s a lap dog. 他们正在努力成为一个认证的治疗犬团队,以便能够给DHMC的工作人员和病人带来微笑.

Reneka Hawkins, MPA, LICSW

Reneka Hawkins, MPA, LICSW

Reneka is a native of Memphis, Tennessee. 她拥有田纳西州立大学社会科学学士学位, 获得田纳西大学临床社会工作硕士学位, and a master’s degree in public administration from Capella University. 她是新罕布什尔州有执照的独立临床社会工作者(LICSW). Reneka有在临床环境和医疗保健行业工作的历史. 她展示了领导、促进、战略规划和政策制定方面的技能.

通过教育, 社区服务, 和实践, Reneka对帮助他人实现自给自足有着深刻的理解和热情,同时为他们提供维持健康生活方式所需的工具. 她努力为该领域的同事提供受社区尊重的专业知识. She also serves individuals and families by creating, 实现, 并监测政策,以积极影响变革,努力产生积极成果. 不工作时, 她喜欢旅行。, spending time with friends and family, and watching mindless TV.



Jess is an Upper Valley native who ventured to Chicago for college. The city life didn’t suit her so, after graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, specializing in interior design, she moved back to the Upper Valley, working numerous retail and showroom jobs. 在她的儿子早产9周后,她受到了他的护理团队的鼓舞. 她决定,她想在医院工作,挽救了她儿子的生命.

杰西一开始在DHMC的疼痛和脊柱中心工作,没有任何医疗保健知识. 她的知识增长了,她发现了一种帮助慢性疼痛患者的爱. 这种热情使她成为功能恢复项目的项目协调员和主动疼痛护理服务的联合创始人. She believes that it isn’t enough to just live, she wants to show patients that there is still hope for a quality life. 在她休息的时候, she is chasing her 2 kids around on the soccer field, 她喜欢看电影,喜欢在当地的工艺品集市上卖十字绣礼物.